While you probably won’t need to take out any student loans for your Continuing Education courses, you’ll want to make sure that you get the right bang for your buck when choosing your syllabus. Luckily, course packages combine classes at a bundled price lower than purchasing each course individually. However, you don’t want to commit to a package with redundant coursework which doesn’t align with your business’s interests.
Here is a quick overview of how you should evaluate your CE needs and a quick rundown on our Idaho Course Packages.
Determine What You Need
First things first, decide what you need to accomplish with your education this year. Simple!
To get started, you should consider the following:
1) When are you going to start these courses, and what are your deadlines? It can be a smart move to purchase all of your necessary coursework early in the year if you already have a scheduled plan moving forward. Are you hoping to finish a course in the next week? Or are you hoping to fulfill coursework on a bi-monthly schedule? Know how many classes you can fit into your calendar and when you can commit to the coursework. Consider whether or not you will be taking any in-person courses as well as online courses.
2) Are you looking to accomplish your Idaho Core Courses this year? The Idaho Real Estate Commission requires you to take two Core Courses as part of your license renewal. Idaho license renewals cycle every two years. Since you know that there will always be two Core Courses required during this period, plan for and fulfill these requirements well before the deadline.
3) What are your business goals for the foreseeable future? Are you orienting your business in a new direction, expanding into a new market, or expanding your knowledge on a field of specialization? You will have to fulfill 12 elective hours to renew your license; you may decide to commit to additional courses for future certifications or to expand your knowledge on a subject. It’s always better to orient your coursework towards practical interests that benefit your business than to simply load up on hours to fulfill requirements.
Once you’ve considered your schedule, core coursework, and electives interests, you’re ready to consider which packages can help you save money while investing in your education.
In addition to individual courses, Boise Real Estate School offers three affordable packages.
Idaho Commission Core Package – $49.00
If you’re looking to get those Idaho Core Courses out of the way, this package includes both Core Courses for only $49.00. That’s a $29.00 savings compared to buying both courses individually! If you’ve already acquired your necessary elective hours, are still deciding on elective options, or are taking elective hours out-of-state, this package will still get you those mandatory Core Courses while saving you money overall.
Idaho Elective Package 1 – $98.00
Already finished your Core requirements, but not sure which electives to take? Our first Elective Package satisfied the 12-hour IREC requirements while providing essential coursework including National Association of REALTORS® compliant Code of Ethics Training, risk management, agency law, and contract law. This package is especially well suited for new agents looking to learn more about best practices and likely legal scenarios. All for only $98.00!
Complete Idaho Licensee Renewal Package – $128.00
If you haven’t completed your Core Courses yet but think that the Idaho Elective Package might be the right fit for you, then you can get all 19 hours (7 hours of Core Courses, 12 hours of Electives) together in one package. For $128.00, you can acquire all the coursework that you need to renew your license.
In addition to these packages, Boise Real Estate School also offers a wider selection of individual courses on topics including disclosure and inspection, foreclosure, appraisal, property management, and much more!
By developing clear expectations for your Real Estate Education, you can identify the right packages and courses that will grow your business. If you want to learn more about Idaho’s Continuing Education criteria, and the courses available to you, read how you can invest in your education in 2021 here!